Progress & Examinations

Major Examinations
There are three Major examinations
Advanced 1
Advanced 2
They substantially cover the work of the Maestro Cecchetti.
The Diploma examination completes this set of examinations.
Minimum age for a candidate for Intermediate is 13 years.
Intermediate may be taken as a practical examination as a Dancer.
Mature age students (over 30 years) have the option of choosing either Category B(1) or B(2) as for Advanced 1 and Advanced 2.
Category B (1) minimum age of 15 years as a level of maturity is required to answer the additional theory questions. This would allow for a pointe exemption should this be necessary. (Effective January 1st 2006.)
Advanced 1 & Advanced 2
These may be taken in either Category A or Category B:
Advanced 1 Category B(1) minimum age is 15 years.
Category A as a Dancer
Category B
1)as a Dancer who will be expected to perform all the work to his or her individual ability and answer questions about the technical and artistic content as applicable to the syllabus.
2) as a mature age candidate (30 years and over) who will be expected to at a minimum, to walk through the various exercises with some sense of the style and impetus required and explain their view of them in detail. (effective January 1st, 2004)
Major Progress
No certificates are issued but a full report is given to help the student and teacher evaluate the progress of the student.
Contact your State secretary for more information.