Teacher's Refresher Day 2024
The Refresher Day is an important part of ongoing studies to maintain your Accreditation.
Sunday 4th February at VCASS commencing at 9.30 a.m.
The Victorian Examiners on the Technical Panel will be going through the revision updates for examinations from PP to Grade 6. The new notes will only be available through the Cecchetti Website under 'Shop'. It is recommended that you purchase these prior to the presentation.
To assist with our new members, examiners will be providing specific information on how to prepare your students for their examination, so that they enjoy the experience.
Maggie Lorraine will be presenting the new Intermediate Pointe Syllabus and also discussing specific issues students may have that could impede on their Pointe Training.
A mock examination of Preparatory Class Level Two.
An update on Child Safety with Lisa Archer
VCE Top Scores and the 2023 William Carse Award Winners
The Presentation of the Energetiks Excellence Awards
A social hour to finish off the day.